Erin Selover is a Dharma teacher with over 20 years of Buddhist practice and teaching. She currently works with individuals as a spiritual strategist. Since 2018, her passion has been distributive governance and needs-based gift economics.
She has complemented her Buddhist practice and studies with studying and experimenting, at times intensively, with Miki Kashtan and the Nonviolent Global Liberation community. In the Fall of 2021, she was part of a small team, together with Miki and three others, which supported Tamera, a global peace village in Portugal, offering a 4-week training in the NGL Vision Mobilization Framework. Following that, she continued to offer consulting support to Tamera for integrating the NGL systems into their functioning through Fall 2023.
She is a residential retreat teacher at Spirit Rock Meditation Center in Northern California and co-teaches the annual, “Womens and Nonbinary Folk Nourished by Women-Center Spaces Retreat.”
As a white settler of Irish descent on indigenous lands, these past decades she has been in deep inquiry about the way power and privilege function within modern societies, as well as the complex history of her Irish ancestors.
Integrating all these threads, she co-stewards a meditation community integrating the Celtic Wheel of the year and Buddhism within needs-based gift economics and distributive governance systems. Erin and colleague, Corrie Bennett Varga, offer on-line rituals for the eight Celtic Holidays and lead two residential meditation retreats a year in California.
In addition, She is a Licenced Marriage and Family Therapist with training in Somatic Experiencing and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy. Her Buddhist residential retreat teacher training includes a four-year residential retreat teacher training through Spirit Rock and Insight Meditation Society alongside a primary mentorship from Phillip Moffitt.
She previously worked as a mentor and trainer with the Steppings Stones Project offering Rites of Passage to Youth and she was on the team who co-founded Inward Bound Mindfulness Education. In addition, she taught yoga to incarcerated youth with the Niroga Institute and served as a residential counselor to commercially sexually exploited youth with Project Sage.