Community Events for 2024 + 2025
13 Moons of Mourning:
New Moon Mourning Rituals
Every New Moon from December 2024 - December 2025
With Erin Selover + Corrie Bennett Varga
On Zoom

New Moon, Thursday February 27, 5 - 6:30pm PST
New Moon, Saturday March 29, 9:30 - 11am PST
New Moon, Sunday April 27, 9:30 - 11am PST
(Next dates will be posted here)
Join us with this zoom link
Corrie Bennett Varga and I are offering 13 Moons of Mourning December 2024 through December 2025. We have several intentions. First, we want to increase our community's capacity to mourn. We see it as an essential skill at this time. We want to build our culture where mourning is a characteristic of how we relate to ourselves and each other.
Second, when we are feeling afraid, angry, confused and other difficult emotions, mourning is a skill to bring us back to compassion and tender threads of vision. The aliveness felt through mourning can literally be the energy we engage to take the next skillful step in an otherwise mess of confusion and/or reactivity.
Third, we see mourning combined with a commitment to serve as an act of resistance. While modernity teaches us in the global north to fight, consume and flee to supposed privileged pockets of safety, we are encouraging us to gather together to mourn these impulses, see our collective situation ever more clearly and listen for deeper impulses connected to life and a world that works for everyone everywhere. We welcome you to join us.
You can join this offering at any time. You are not required to attend all. 13 Moons of Mourning will be offered through zoom. Here is the zoom link to attend the February 27th offering.
Offerings can be made through Venmo @erinselover or paypal.me/ErinSelover
Full Moon Beltane
Integrating Eros + Emptiness
A 6 day Silent Meditation Retreat + Ritual
with Erin Selover
Lake County CA
May 9 - May 14, 2025
More Information and Registration

Beltane celebrates unions of all kinds: physical, spiritual and mystical. It’s an invitation to integrate our wild instinctual energies with our primordial connection to the cosmos. Beltane can support us to connect with our unique erotic connection to Gaia that emerges simultaneously within emptiness, the fecund void, that is a central Buddhist teaching.
The purpose of this silent meditation retreat, is to go into collective deep listening at this potent time of Beltane, to support us as Diné elder Pat McCabe suggests, “put life at the center of all we do.”
At this time of increased polarization, aligning with the integration possible at Beltane can support us to transform either/or and us vs. them consciousness into a creative alchemical process within oneself that invites us to come from more wholeness in our responses to division and separation.
This retreat will include meditation instructions, silent practice periods, Q&A periods, solo time in nature, sky gazing, and an outdoor ritual during the night and morning of Full Moon Beltane. This retreat will be held in Noble Silence. A council will be held on the last day to support integration.
This is an intimate retreat with a maximum of 18 retreatants. The retreat is held on a needs based gifting model, which is described in depth in the registration documents. Accommodation is simple. Camping is an option.
This will be the only retreat the Celtic Wheel Sangha produces in 2025, please join us if you are called. More information and registration.
2025 Celebrating Ostara: The Festival of Balance
Aligning with the Energies of the Spring Equinox
March 2025, Date TBD
With Erin Selover
On Zoom

Spring Equinox is a time when day and night are equal all over the world. It’s particularly a time of tuning into the quality of balance, to see clearly the possibilities that lie before, however constrained, as the flowers blossom and the days gradually increase in light.
The retreat is offered completely on gift and no one is turned away for lack of funds. Suggested offering between $33 - $103. Please do not let finances be a barrier to receiving this offering. Offerings can be made through Venmo @erinselover or paypal.me/ErinSelover
Registration will open in late February. Email corriebennett@gmail.com to be added to the email list for these events.
2025 Celebrating Beltane :
Aligning with Fertility
with Erin Selover
Date and Time TDB

Come celebrate Beltane with us for this annual on-line ritual.
Suggested offering between $33 - $103. Please do not let finances be a barrier to receiving this offering.
Note: The registration is not yet open for this event.
Cultivating Citta:
Intuitive Wisdom and Embodied Love
Spirit Rock Meditation Retreat
June 6 - June 12, 2025 (7 nights)
Erin Selover + Emily Horn
On the land at Spirit Rock Meditation Center

We are in this together
“From my own experience, there is no difference between mindfulness and loving kindness. When you are fully loving, aren’t you also mindful? When you are mindful, is this not also the essence of love?” – Dipa Ma
This retreat will focus on integrating a sense of embodied warmth with an intuitive knowing by cultivating a relaxed and kind attention in all activities.
2025 Celebrating Summer Solstice
with Erin Selover
Date and Time TB

Please join us to gather in the evening of Summer Solstice to align with the outer energy beginning to wane and the inner energy beginning to expand. We celebrate all that has manifested since the Winter Solstice, during the outward cycle of the Sun, and consciously call back the dark to restore balance and wholeness internally and externally.
Suggested offering between $33 - $103. Please do not let finances be a barrier to receiving this offering.
Note: The registration is not yet open for this event.
2025 Celebrating the Fall Equinox
with Erin Selover
on Zoom
Date and Time TBD

Come celebrate the Fall Equinox with earth based ritual, meditation and a sincere community. This year we will hold this ritual during the Lunar Eclipse at 7:32pm to support amplifying our prayers for collective balance and healing at this time.
Equinox is a time of year when day and night are of equal length all over the world. Connecting with the earth’s relationship to the sun at equinox, offers an opportunity to reflect on how to bring steadiness and wisdom to individual, relational and societal imbalances.
Fall Equinox is a meaningful time for celebration of the harvest. Whatever bore fruit, rejoice in the offering. It is also a time of restored balance and integration. It’s natural to get out of balance in summer. Now is the time to get back into the body and daily rhythms that nourish you that may have gotten lost in all the abundance of summer. This is a potent time to gather and we are delighted to be together again.
Suggested offering between $33 - $103. Please do not let finances be a barrier to receiving this offering.
Awakening Through the Three Characteristics:
Women's Liberation Retreat
Retreat at Spirit Rock
September 20 - 25, 2025 (5 nights)
Erin Selover, Kate Johnson and Victoria Cary

We are in this together
The radical promise of the Buddha’s teaching is that it is possible to be at ease and free, even in unfree conditions. During this retreat, we will practice mindfulness and compassion, looking closely at the unfolding of moment-to-moment experience and at ways of perceiving that are grounded in the three characteristics of reality: all things are impermanent (aniccā), imperfect (dukkha) and interdependent (not “me or mine, or anattā). Nourished by the 2600-year-old tradition of Buddhist communities abiding in silence, stillness, kindness, and clarity, our time together will include mindfulness meditation in stillness, movement, and all daily activities.
This retreat will include teachings that lift up women’s journeys of awakening from a diversity of lineages and traditions. We welcome all who identify as women, as well as non-binary folks who feel nourished in spaces centering women. The retreat will be held in noble silence with the exception of teacher-led Q&A, small groups, or other practice meetings.
REGISTER HERE - Registration Opens on February 19th 2025
Living Within InterBeing:
Practical Nonviolence + Engaged Buddhism
Erin Selover & Kaira Jewel Lingo
November 2025 - May 2026
A 7 month Program
Hosted by Barre Center for Buddhist Studies Path Program

We are in this together
In this course we intend to explore how Engaged Buddhism and the Nonviolent Global Liberation framework can be expressed in daily life, individually and collectively, to help us respond and live meaningfully as peacemakers in a world where violence and war are increasing. Our study and practice will include the Engaged Buddhism of Thich Nhat Hanh and other sacred activists and peacemakers, and our exploration of nonviolence will draw from the Nonviolent Global Liberation framework. Our intention is to weave these two paths in service of creating a culture of peace and compassion, in which the liberation of all beings is paramount.
In this 7-month course, we plan to guide us into an embodied insight into interbeing and our interdependent connection with all of life and to gain practical skills to apply this insight more deeply in our lives. The focus of the course is on shifting consciousness from the individual to the collective while also offering daily practices to support integrating this shift into the fullness of our being.
If we fulfill our intention this course will be deeply challenging. We invite you to consider the following:
Am I willing to grow my heart in the imperfect and sometimes challenging space of community?
Do I already or am I seriously willing to see and hold with compassion and tenderness my limitations and others’ limitations?
Do I already or I am seriously willing to start to care for and advocate for all beings?
Do I already or am I seriously willing to start to co-create a world that works for everyone?
If the answer to these questions is a resounding yes, then we ask you to think about who else in your community, workplace, neighborhood, family or sangha might also share a similar orientation and invite them to join you in applying for this course. This work tends to be exponentially more fruitful if you take it on with others with whom you share purpose and/or community. That said, if you cannot identify anyone, we wholeheartedly welcome you to apply and invite you to join this group of others who share your commitment.
This course will be limited to 35 people to create an intimate container to deepen this inquiry. We also hold the intention to have a diverse community that is intergenerational, with robust representation from BIPOC and LGBTQIA people, and with varied income levels.
Opening Retreat: November 14-19, 2025:
Meeting Fear with Love: Foundations of Engaged Buddhism & Nonviolence
“Patriarchal societies are based, at root, on loss of trust in life and turning away from life’s flow into modes of being that emerge from scarcity, function in separation, and result in powerlessness.” - Miki Kashtan,
“When I was in Vietnam, so many of our villages were being bombed. Along with my monastic brothers and sisters, I had to decide what to do. Should we continue to practice in our monasteries, or should we leave the meditation halls in order to help the people who were suffering under the bombs? After careful reflection, we decided to do both—to go out and help people and to do so in mindfulness. We called it engaged Buddhism. Mindfulness must be engaged. Once there is seeing, there must be acting. …We must be aware of the real problems of the world. Then, with mindfulness, we will know what to do and what not to do to be of help.” Thich Nhat Hanh, Peace Is Every Step
In this opening retreat we plan to explore key aspects of Engaged Buddhism and the Nonviolent Global Liberation framework and how both can support compassion and skillful engagement in our world.
Engaged Buddhism is a contemporary movement, with many ancestors in different Buddhist traditions, that invites active participation in social, political, and environmental issues. Integrating Buddhist practices with a commitment to social action and advocacy for peace and justice, it invites us to practice: interconnectedness; mindfulness and presence; nonviolence and peace; environmental responsibility; advancing equity and structural change; living an ethical life; building community; and being part of raising awareness and educating others.
Nonviolent Global Liberation, NGL, is a community of practitioners engaging in experimentation with the NGL framework. Throughout the course we plan to engage with NGL’s foundational teachings and practices, including: the capacity lens; purpose-based discernment; impact sharing; how to orient to vision while staying rigorously within capacity; power and privilege analysis; mourning as a liberatory practice; and the practice of needs choreography to weave togetherness (see the NGL website for detailed description of the NGL Framework and principles and the learning packets for deep dives into the content of the framework).
During this retreat our intention is to attend to internalized states of scarcity, separation and powerlessness that can lead to coercive behaviors such as othering, blaming, and “should-ing.” Applying the Buddha’s foundational teaching on the Four Noble Truths, we want to look at modern social and economic systems that reinforce scarcity to support a deeper willingness and ability to co-create alternatives to these systems. The lens of the Four Noble Truths can also help us turn towards our painful habits of othering with compassion and tenderness. Through connecting more deeply with these mind states of separation, which are key roots of violence, we can set a strong intention individually and as a community to embody and act from a love that is stronger than fear.
Monthly Zoom Gathering Dates:
5 Sundays 11:30-1:30pm ET
Dec 14
Jan 11
Feb 8
March 8
Apr 12
Closing Retreat: May 19-24, 2026:
Shifting from I to We: Building the Beloved Community
In this closing retreat we plan to look into what it means to embody the vision of a Beloved Community. Articulated by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Howard Thurman, it is a vision of liberation for all beings. The work of Thich Nhat Hanh, Dorothy, Day, and others, was to nurture a loving and nonviolent movement to realize this healing and liberating vision.
Shifting from I to we, we learn to see ourselves as always part of a larger whole to which we are oriented, the community within which we make choices rooted in deep interdependence, where we also understand that our happiness and suffering is fully intertwined with the happiness and suffering of others. We will offer methodologies for building and healing the Beloved Community developed by Engaged Buddhist pioneers like Thich Nhat Hanh, including practices like Beginning Anew, Touching the Earth, Lazy Days, and Deep Relaxation. We also intend to continue to deepen in the liberatory framework and practices used within NGL. With mindfulness and clarity, we hope to cultivate capacities to liberate our own minds and hearts so that we might better learn to do our own work in service of collective liberation and respond with wise, compassionate, and courageous action in the world.
2025 On-line Samhain Ritual
Celebrating the New Year + Honoring Ancestors
Online ritual Date and Time TBD

Samhain is the Celtic New Year. A time to literally create your own broom (or buy one on etsy) and sweep away the dust of the past 13 moons. It’s also an invitation to enter deep time and honor our ancestors through ritual, ceremony and celebration. Particularly if you have lost a loved one or a particular aspect of yourself this year . It can also be a time to mark a cycle of closure. With the support of those that have gone before, it is time to take stock, make repairs, relish in the space of letting go and begin to call in the qualities of your next cycle becoming.
To register email corriebennett@gmail.com and you will be sent retreat information and a zoom link.
The retreat is offered completely on gift and no one is turned away for lack of funds. Suggested offering between $53 - $103. Please do not let finances be a barrier to receiving this offering.
Offerings can be made through Venmo @erinselover or paypal.me/ErinSelover
Registration is not available yet for this offering.
Calling Forth Vision - A Winter Solstice Online Daylong
with Erin Selover
December 2025
Date and Time TBD

During this daylong retreat, we will meet the winter solstice with reverence and humility as we move through the longest nights of the year and welcome the returning of the light. During the morning session we will practice mindfulness meditation, abiding in silence and stillness, with kindness and clarity. Then, in the afternoon, we will reflect on the previous year and conclude with a ritual that invites a release of that which no longer serves us and a calling forth of that which we intuitively feel emerging from within.
When preparing your at-home space for retreat, we encourage you to create conditions to support your being in contemplative silence for most of the day. We invite you to set up a practice location where you can view the outdoors, and to plan time for integration after the retreat.
Online via Zoom
Rest And Renewal:
An Online Winter Solstice Life Retreat
with Erin Selover
on Zoom in Community
Likely over the Gregorian New Year

This retreat is designed for you to do at home as either a silent retreat or a life retreat that you do in the full or partial context of your daily life. The intention is to co-create a container that will support you to deepen your meditation practice in the luminous darkness of these long dark winter nights. While also aligning with the energy of the winter season, which like a seed gestating in the soil, is the ideal time for planting intentions. My hope is to have it mostly be restful while doing only nourishing things that support your coming year. So, whether you are in the fullness of family life, working full or partial time or have the entire time for practice, this retreat is designed to deepen your meditation practice while also offering renewal practices such as identifying core values for the year, aligning our yearly schedules with astrology, journal prompts for reflection and opportunities for creating rituals of rest and rejuvenation.
The immersion schedule will similar to the following (Times are in PST):
10-12pm Orientation, Meditation, Setting Intentions
6-7:00pm Guided Meditation
Monday: ,
9-9:45am Guided Meditation
12-12:45pm Guided Meditation
5:30 -7pm Dharma Talk, Practices and Discussion
9-11 Guided Meditation & Prepping for Solo time
11am + Solo Time
Continued solo time to create a day based on your needs for your own practice and renewal time
10am - 1pm Meditation, Sharing, Closing
Our zoom room will be opened during the entire retreat so people can come in to practice together on off hours for meditation support.
While as many people as possible attending each session will co-create a stronger field, this retreat is designed to support you within the context of your actual life. What I imagine is there will be a group of us that are attending almost everything and we will be anchoring the retreat and their will also be a group that is attending what they can given family, personal and work commitments. My request is that you attend what is within capacity, no more no less, and are integrating the teaching wherever you are as best you are able. I trust our shared intentions and retreat field will support each of us deepen our practice in our contexts just as they are.
This retreat will be held on gift economics. This retreat is designed to be available to anyone who wants to attend please do not let finances be a barrier. The suggested a sliding scale of $0-$600.
If you are in financial hardship right now we ask that you stretch to receive this retreat as a gift from the community to you.
If you have capacity to contribute financially, we ask you to contribute what would bring you joy to contribute
Please make offering to Erin through Venmo @erinselover or paypal.me/ErinSelover by December 21. Please share offerings using “friends and family” and note that it is for “Solstice 2025 Immersion” in the comments.
2026 Imbolc Ritual:
Celebrating the Lunar Imbolc
Date + Time TBD
With Erin Selover
On Zoom

Imbolc is the half-way point between the winter solstice and spring equinox. A time where we are invited to begin to welcome the sun and slowly turn outward.
Imbolc is also a time to celebrate the Celtic Goddess Brigid. Brigid is a goddess of mercy. As we complete our reflection of the previous year and move towards the new life calling at Spring, Brigid encourages us to continue to bring tenderness, forgiveness and gentleness to the previous year.
The retreat is offered completely on gift and no one is turned away for lack of funds. Suggested offering between $33 - $103. Please do not let finances be a barrier to receiving this offering.
To register contact Corrie at corriebennett@gmail.com
Offerings can be made through Venmo @erinselover or paypal.me/ErinSelover