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Community Events for 2018 + 2019

Erin will update events in 2020 & 2021in Spring 2020




Sense of Justice over Sense of Self

A day for women leaders

with Erin Selover & Leyla Seka


Spirit Rock Meditation Center

Friday, December 07, 2018


 This day retreat will explore how we can succeed professionally from the combined perspectives of a Buddhist teacher and a SalesForce executive. We have found that by applying Buddhist wisdom and committing to practice, it’s possible to transform these forces and live an empowered life full of meaning and well-being, both professionally and personally.

To register click here






In the Presence of Love - A Metta & QiGong Retreat

Erin Selover, Spring Washam, Teja Bell, Vinny Ferraro, Gullu Singh


Spirit Rock Meditation Center

December 10 - 16, 2019


This silent retreat will focus on cultivating the quality of loving kindness (metta in Pali), infusing our hearts, minds and bodies with a strong caring wisdom. Mindful presence and loving kindness are essential to living a spiritual life.

To learn more and register for this retreat click here. 






Calling Forth the Light: A Winter Solstice Daylong 

with Erin Selover & Lauren Brown


Spirit Rock Meditation Center

Saturday December 22, 2018


The winter solstice invites reflection. As the longest night of the year approaches, the call for us is to go inward and reflect on the past year. What is there to celebrate? What changes need witnessing and attention? What are we ready to let go of? What are we calling forth in the coming year?


This day retreat will offer a meditative space for inquiry on the beautiful land at Spirit Rock, weaving together silent meditation, dharma reflections, relational mindfulness, and song. We will have a fire ceremony to call forth the light.

To register click here





Sacred Alchemy: Reclaiming the Heroines Journey

a  residential retreat with Erin Selover and Nirali Shah

Cold Springs Retreat Center, Penngrove, CA

December 28, 2018 - January 1, 2019

In this retreat we will use the of power of meditation to courageously face the naked reality of our psyche. Mindfulness will guide us into our subtle body and teach us to trust pleasure and intuition. We will also use the practices of dream work, intimacy with nature, and harvesting the wisdom of community to invoke a field of Sacred Alchemy - a seemingly magical process of collective transformation and creation.

Please join us for this rare opportunity to practice meditation, inquiry, and mystery in a circle of women committed to building equity, trust and solidarity. After completing this retreat you will be invited to monthly gatherings of powerful women, to continue to strengthen community.


To register please click here. Scholarships available



Trusting in Awareness, Trusting in the Heart

Erin Selover, John Martin, Noliwe Alexander, Teja Bell, Devin Berry


Spirit Rock Meditation Center

Tuesday, January 22 - Saturday, January 26, 2019


Taking refuge in silence, and within the container of the Spirit Rock land, we will practice mindfulness (present awareness) meditation and will cultivate the beautiful heart qualities of Metta (loving kindness) and Compassion.  

To learn more and register for this retreat click here. 


Prajnaparamita Face and Scarf.jpg

Buddhist Goddesses: Embodying Wisdom, Power & Love

A non-residential retreat for those who identify as women

with Erin Selover 


Spirit Rock Meditation Center

February 13 - 16, 2019 

10am - 4:30pm

The natural beauty and intelligence that emerges though us when we feel safe and connected to life is longing to express itself fully. This retreat is an opportunity to somatically identify, explore and empower your unique awakened energy through the exploration of Buddhist goddesses. The day will include sitting meditation, movement meditation and dharma talks; including the study of Buddhist goddess of non-dual wisdom, Prajnaparamita.  


To learn more and register for this retreat click here.







Introduction to Insight Practice through a Systemic & Cultural Lens 

Erin Selover


Spirit Rock Meditation Center

Sunday, April 21 2019


Insight meditation practice when viewed from a systemic and cultural perspective can help dismantle the internalized oppressive systems within our psyche like colonialism, white supremacy and patriarchy. In this workshop we will explore how the foundational teaching of the four noble truths support the dismantling of these internalized structures and increase our capacity to engage in our world collaboratively with increased power, clarity and courage.  

To learn more and register for this retreat click here. 




Insight Meditation: A Path of Wisdom, Compassion & Freedom 

Erin Selover & Mark Coleman


Spirit Rock Meditation Center

May 20 - May 25, 2019


In this mindfulness meditation retreat, we will explore the innate quality of awareness as the foundation for cultivating clarity, understanding, and insight into our human experience. We will investigate how, through mindfulness practice, we can develop insight into the causes of stress and the causes of genuine happiness. We will examine what it means to abide, with kindness and awareness, in the midst of life, so we can live with a genuine non-reactive freedom wherever we are.

To learn more and register for this retreat click here. 






Women's Lost Coast Retreat: Meditation on the Ocean 

with Susie Harrington and Erin Selover


Desert Dharma at California's Lost Coast

May 31 - June 8, 2019

We walk nine miles along the seashore - the walk is on a mix of sand, pebbles and boulders. Our food, one small bag of heavy gear per person, tents, and sleeping bags will be flown in for us. At the homestead, both camping and indoor sleeping are available. While it is remote and simple, hot showers and a complete kitchen with fresh food contribute to making it an inviting and nurturing place to be. If an outdoor retreat appeals to you, far from people, without the challenges of backpacking, this may be a retreat for you!


To learn more and register for this retreat click here.




Insight Meditation for Young Adults

Erin Selover, Tempel Smith, La Sarmiento, Marcy Reynolds 

Dawn Mauricio & Rachel Lewis


Spirit Rock Meditation Center

August 5 - August 11, 2019


Come practice silent mindfulness and insight meditation for a week within a group of your peers. Give yourself a break from constant over-stimulation and external demands to create a time for greater inner calm, spaciousness, and presence. We will explore radical self awareness and deeper embodiment through the ancient practices of guided and silent sitting, walking, and heart meditations, qigong, practice meetings with teachers, and dharma talks. 

To learn more and register for this retreat click here. 




Womens Meditation Retreat

Erin Selover, Konda Mason, Anna Douglas, Erin Treat, Kate Johnson

Spirit Rock Meditation Center

September 24- September 29, 2019


Within each woman, there is an ever-flowing fountain of creative energy and innate wisdom. Within the safe and nourishing container of this silent retreat, we’ll cultivate an approach to meditative practice that honors the feminine, intuitive and embodied dimensions of a woman’s spiritual journey.

To learn more and register for this retreat click here. 


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